The natural circulation area of ​​Julidochromis marlieri lies both in the southern and the northern part of Lake Tanganyika. He peopled the Felslitoral from one meter of water, where he lives among the rocks and narrow gaps. To maintain the greatest Julidochromis-type aquariums are recommended from 100 cm length. As decoration you choose many stone constructions and a light background, as it displays to dark means the high-contrast drawing of animals verwäscht. A socialization with other Lake Tanganyika cichlids is not a problem. An externally reliable differentiation between the sexes is made only with reference to the shape of the genital papilla. While this at slightly less lasting male straight back runs (to see from the side!), It is slightly larger in females and appears to be provided at the end with a barb. The breed runs smoothly in community aquariums. As with Neolamprologus brichardi carried out a so-called. "Floor breeding" in which several generations of young fish grow up side by side in the spawning ground of the couple.



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