Pentazona barb

Pentazona barb

Pentazona barb

The pentazona barb Barbus pentazona is often confused with the tiger barb, although it is considerably leaner and a body strip more than Barbus tetrazona. Unlike other Barben is with this type to a more peaceful fish that remain rather shy when to hectic roommates. Because the style is very peaceful, as pentazona is to socialize without any problems with other fish. Decisive for the well-being of nitrite and nitrate unpolluted water, as it is very susceptible to infectious diseases otherwise. Since it is a omnivorous, all necessary foods are accepted. Of course, one obtains by feeding live food, and especially Cyclops and Artemia, the splendid coloring. For breeding, it is advisable to convert a pair in a prepared breeding ponds. A distinction between the sexes is difficult to implement on the basis of color. Males are generally slimmer than the females and have significantly stronger red fins on. Since it is spawning robbers, it is advisable, in the basin, which should be filled with soft and slightly acidic water at 28 ° C, in addition to fine-leaved plants introduce also a Ablaichrost. After spawning you should remove the parents from the darkened pool. The larvae hatch depending on the temperature after 24 - 36 hours and swim freely after five days. Once they have exhausted their yolk sac, they need to be fed with the finest pool lining. Since the nature very productive and the young fish are very fast grower must be paid to appropriate filtering and regular water changes in the rearing of the young.



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