Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi

Name: anomalochromis thomasi

Scientific. Name: Anomalochromis thomasi

Origin: Africa: Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia

Current Size: 4-6 cm

Finished size: 8-10 cm

Beck Length: 60 cm

pH: 6.5 to 6.8

Water Hardness: 7-12 ° dGH / 3-6 ° dKH

Temperature: 23 - 28 ° C

Diet: it assumes each feed


This type is the older aquarists still known under the (false) generic 'Pelmatochromis ". A. Thomasi is one of the most best-kept dwarf cichlids in community aquariums. In their natural range in Sierra Leone they settled almost all available water types. Meanwhile, a number of differently colored local forms are known, some of which have a bright red lined row of dots on the gill cover. Since it is a peaceful cichlid with this type, you can socialize with them almost all the fish, provided they are not too aggressive. For the care and breeding aquariums are located from 80 cm length, which are fitted with dark ground and a dense edge planting. Due to the large natural adaptability to different water compositions, the water values ​​play in the aquarium only a subordinate role, if they do not move in extremes. All major types of food are accepted without any problems, the addition of feeding live food supports the coloration of the species. The breeding of monogamous open breeder takes place either in the community tank or, at harmonizing pairs, in a separate breeding tank, which needs only 60 cm tall. As spawning substrate usually used a flat stone, which is dressed up vigorously by two animals. The nest, which can contain up to 200 eggs will alternately looked after, and it is advisable to use some peaceful alien fish to support the parental care instinct. After hatching, the larvae after 48 hours they will be reburied in a pit, after a week the breeding floats free and can be fed with Artemia under the leadership of the parent animals.



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