The natural circulation area of ​​this colorful cichlid is located in the West African catchment area of ​​Zaire River. There he settled oxygen-rich streams of the jungle. The species is very similar Hemichromis bimaculatus, but is not so big and is not as aggressive as this by far.

To take care of this kind rich aquariums of 80 cm length, etc. with a dark ground, many hiding by wood should be and decorated with a bold border planting. Water values ​​play only a subordinate role. A socialization with other fish is possible because the kind defended aggressively only at the time of brood care their territory.

The breed can be done in the community aquarium, as well as open guard breeder Parents her brood. Even in medium-hard with a pH is set to hard water above pH 7 a breeding success. From the up to 300 eggs, which are usually stored on a flat stone or in a pre-dug pit, slip at 27 ° C after about three days the larvae that are reburied in disturbances in other mines. After one week the young fish swim freely and can be fed with Artemia.



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