ESPES rasbora

ESPES rasbora

ESPES rasbora

The red harlequin barb (lat. Trigonostigma espei) is also Lambchop Rasbora. The home of the red harlequin barb, in Thailand and Cambodia, where they inhabit smaller rainforest streams. Typical of their appearance is the beilförmige, dark spot, which begins below the dorsal fin. Its dark color is significantly smaller than in Trigonostima heteromorpha. The red harlequin barb reaches a height of 2-3 cm. The males have a more streamlined body shape than the females, the body size is independent of gender. For welfare a swarm upwards of 8 animals is necessary. The aquarium should be well planted, among other things, with floating plants. The lighting may be only weakly. When water temperature is recommended for the red harlequin barb, 23-27 ° C. The pH should be 6.0 - 7.0 are. The feeding is straightforward, especially like is live food, eg put black mosquito larvae



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