Family: cichlids (tilapia)

Subspecies: There are known about 23 different subspecies of Emperor cichlids (Aulonocara)

Size: Depending on the subspecies Aulonocara can reach a final height of about 9 to 18 cm

Features: Peacocks (Aulonocara) show up in typical manner perch with a muscular-looking body and the typical spitzmäuligen head.

Lining: frozen food and flakes are gladly accepted

Social behavior: The Kaiserbuntbarsch- (Aulonocara-) types are all very peaceful contemporaries who do not appreciate it, to be associated with aggressive or even predatory fish species!

Fish breeding: Peacocks (Aulonocara) are together mouthbrooders who most enjoy watching seem to proliferate in rock or Sandlitoralen itself. The males form there areas. In the districts, a cavity is preferred. The young hatch from the yolk-rich eggs after 17-19 days at a water temperature of 28-29 ° C. CAUTION: Stud wishes only one type Aulonocara (Kaiser cichlid) should be maintained, because the species might otherwise intercross!

Origin: Malawi (East Africa)

Attitude: The Emperor smaller cichlids (Aulonocara) can be kept in a tank of 200 liters capacity. The ground of the basin should be made of sand. Good are some caves as a retreat or for the districts. It is suitable for aquarium maintenance best combination of a male with several females.



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