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The extremely friendly nature is an ideal ward for small to medium sized aquariums from 60 cm length. A socialization with other fish is possible. At the water values, no special demands are made, medium to hard water with a pH around the neutral point is well accepted and extends itself for breeding this interesting Pfleglinge. A distinction between the sexes is relatively easy using the much larger and more magnificent head coloration of males. For breeding you should put the animals in a separate pool. As a "spawning substrate" have proven PVC tubes; they are usually immediately accepted as nests. The nest is guarded until they hatch the young fish by the male. As the boys from the start feeding on Artemia, the growing of this aquarium fish is very simple and recommended....




The extremely friendly nature is an ideal ward for small to medium sized aquariums from 60 cm length. A socialization with other fish is possible. At the water values, no special demands are made, medium to hard water with a pH around the neutral point is well accepted and extends itself for breeding this interesting Pfleglinge. A distinction between the sexes is relatively easy using the much larger and more magnificent head coloration of males. For breeding you should put the animals in a separate pool. As a "spawning substrate" have proven PVC tubes; they are usually immediately accepted as nests. The nest is guarded until they hatch the young fish by the male. As the boys from the start feeding on Artemia, the growing of this aquarium fish is very simple and recommended....
Brachygobius SABANUS

Brachygobius SABANUS

Brachygobius SABANUS

Brachygobius SABANUS

Unfortunately, there is no detailed to this species. Us is but anxious that the animals are kept humanely. So if you are unsure whether these animals fit into your existing system or need information about the other Hälterungsbedingungen we ask them before placing your order absolutely to contact our service team. We are happy to help. Thank you
Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi

Anomalochromis thomasi

Name: anomalochromis thomasi

Scientific. Name: Anomalochromis thomasi

Origin: Africa: Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia

Current Size: 4-6 cm

Finished size: 8-10 cm

Beck Length: 60 cm

pH: 6.5 to 6.8

Water Hardness: 7-12 ° dGH / 3-6 ° dKH

Temperature: 23 - 28 ° C

Diet: it assumes each feed


This type is the older aquarists still known under the (false) generic 'Pelmatochromis ". A. Thomasi is one of the most best-kept dwarf cichlids in community aquariums. In their natural range in Sierra Leone they settled almost all available water types. Meanwhile, a number of differently colored local forms are known, some of which have a bright red lined row of dots on the gill cover. Since it is a peaceful cichlid with this type, you can socialize with them almost all the fish, provided they are not too aggressive. For the care and breeding aquariums are located from 80 cm length, which are fitted with dark ground and a dense edge planting. Due to the large natural adaptability to different water compositions, the water values ​​play in the aquarium only a subordinate role, if they do not move in extremes. All major types of food are accepted without any problems, the addition of feeding live food supports the coloration of the species. The breeding of monogamous open breeder takes place either in the community tank or, at harmonizing pairs, in a separate breeding tank, which needs only 60 cm tall. As spawning substrate usually used a flat stone, which is dressed up vigorously by two animals. The nest, which can contain up to 200 eggs will alternately looked after, and it is advisable to use some peaceful alien fish to support the parental care instinct. After hatching, the larvae after 48 hours they will be reburied in a pit, after a week the breeding floats free and can be fed with Artemia under the leadership of the parent animals.




The natural circulation area of ​​this colorful cichlid is located in the West African catchment area of ​​Zaire River. There he settled oxygen-rich streams of the jungle. The species is very similar Hemichromis bimaculatus, but is not so big and is not as aggressive as this by far.

To take care of this kind rich aquariums of 80 cm length, etc. with a dark ground, many hiding by wood should be and decorated with a bold border planting. Water values ​​play only a subordinate role. A socialization with other fish is possible because the kind defended aggressively only at the time of brood care their territory.

The breed can be done in the community aquarium, as well as open guard breeder Parents her brood. Even in medium-hard with a pH is set to hard water above pH 7 a breeding success. From the up to 300 eggs, which are usually stored on a flat stone or in a pre-dug pit, slip at 27 ° C after about three days the larvae that are reburied in disturbances in other mines. After one week the young fish swim freely and can be fed with Artemia.
Purple splendor cichlid

Purple splendor cichlid

Purple splendor cichlid 

Purple splendor cichlid

P. pulcher is a well-known representatives in our aquariums, but most Cichlidenfreunde have made first breeding experience of this type. Most of the older aquarists will be known under her (false) name "Pelmatochromis kribensis" the kind. The natural circulation area of ​​Königscichliden are the streams and tributaries in southern Nigeria, where he found himself in brackish water regions. Even in the western part of Cameroon, in the territory in Ndonga, this well-kept like cichlid has its dissemination. Meanwhile, a number of differently colored local forms are known. A well planted, with wood and hiding places (default: hollowed coconuts) set up aquarium can be described as ideal. At the water values ​​are hardly made claims since he must adjust to changing values ​​in nature. Medium-hard and hard water with a pH above the neutral point are also accepted as soft and slightly acidic water. Thus, a whole range of styles offer with which the presented species can be socialized. The feeding does not bring problems: They will eat just about anything, which naturally varied live food is clearly preferable and is best suited for the development of the animals. One of socialization with other fish is no obstacle, because it bothered other fish only during the spawning period and in guiding the young fish. Spawning is initiated by digging spawning caves beneath stones and roots or small pits, the young fish are reburied in later. The nest, which may include 150-200 eggs will be deposited in a cave and at first only looked after by the female while the male takes care of the backup of Ablaichreviers. When leaving the protective cave after about a week of juvenile fish swarm, he is cared for by both parents. The juveniles can be immediately fed with Artemia.